
January 3, 2024

The education system of the madrasa in South Asia

The article explores the debate on education in madaris in South Asia, highlighting historical biases and the challenges of reforms. It addresses controversies regarding the counting of institutions and students, as well as proposals to improve education by providing job opportunities and introducing online courses and remote exams. […]
September 30, 2023

Terrorist attack in Pakistan

Yesterday, a twin terrorist attack in Pakistan during the celebrations for the birth of Prophet Muhammad has resulted in the death of at least 58 people and dozens injured. […]
January 30, 2023

Suicide bomber blows himself up in Peshawar mosque

Sixty-one people were reported dead, more than 51 injured and many brothers and sisters still under the rubble waiting for help in a violent attack on a mosque in Peshawar in Pakistan. It is estimated that there were around 200-350 people inside the structure. […]
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