
August 2, 2024

Takfir: A Critical Analysis of a Controversial Concept

The concept of Takfir, the act of declaring another Muslim as an unbeliever (kafir), represents an issue of extreme delicacy and relevance within the complex mosaic of Islam. Far from being a simple theological debate, Takfir deeply intersects with ethics, Islamic jurisprudence, and tragically, with violence perpetrated in the name of religion. […]
July 21, 2024

The Jihadist Threat in France

L'aggressione terroristica avvenuta a La Ferté-Bernard il 16-17 luglio 2024 mette in luce la complessità della minaccia jihadista in Francia. Derek R., un giovane di 26 anni noto per la sua radicalizzazione, ha compiuto un attacco violento contro un tassista.
May 7, 2024

The Dichotomy of the Internal Enemy

How the Media Influence the Perception of Violence. The Dichotomy of Narration: Double Standards The contemporary media landscape, with its pervasive influence on public perception, often presents dissonant narratives of tragic events, highlighting mechanisms of stigmatization and the construction of a dangerous "internal enemy." […]
January 28, 2024

Armed attack in a Church in Istanbul

L’attacco armato in una chiesa italiana a Istanbul durante la messa ha scosso la comunità locale e ha generato preoccupazione in tutto il paese. Questo evento […]
November 18, 2023

Searches at the Islamic Center of Hamburg

On November 15, the German police conducted an operation at the Islamic Center of Hamburg, raising concerns about a possible link to the Lebanese militia Hezbollah. According to the Ministry of the Interior, this operation was carried out to counter Islamist propaganda and anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli incitement. […]
October 2, 2023

L’ISIS condanna coloro che abbandonano il jihad

Nell’articolo pubblicato nella newsletter Al-Naba’ numero 409, l’ISIS (Stato islamico) condanna coloro che hanno abbandonato il jihad a favore delle democrazie e dei governi non islamici. […]
September 15, 2023

September 11th memes

A new generation of Salafi-jihadists who use memes to celebrate the 9/11 attacks. The article highlights how Salafi-jihadist networks on social media have actively used memes to celebrate the 9/11 attacks and mock the United States. […]
June 14, 2023

United Kingdom, man in a van runs over pedestrians and stabs them.

The accident was caused by a 31-year-old man who was then arrested. The reasons for the gesture are not yet known […]
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