Affermazioni scandalose dell’imam della moschea di Birmingham: forti preoccupazioni sulla libertà di espressione e sui limiti tra libertà religiosa e incitamento all’odio e alla violenza. È fondamentale però subito precisare che occorre distinguere tra le azioni di singoli individui e il vero messaggio dell’Islam islamica, che promuove la pace, la tolleranza e il rispetto reciproco.
In the sermon in question, Imam Sheikh Zakaullah Saleem explains in detail how to carry out the execution of an adulterous woman by stoning. In his speech, the imam described the practice of stoning for adultery in an unacceptable way because it harms the integrity of the person's rights. <<It is necessary to dig a hole deep enough – the imam explained – so that the earth covers the lower half of the body and the private parts, thus defending the sense of modesty of the adulteress, and at that point you can start throwing the sones>.
Stoning involves the death of the guilty person and is a cruel and degrading method of punishment, as well as undermining the fundamental right to justice.
Inizialmente, il video del sermone era stato pubblicato su YouTube, ma successivamente è stato rimosso per la gravità delle affermazioni scandalose dell’imam della moschea di Birmingham. Tuttavia, il danno era stato fatto, e la notizia aveva circolato sui social media, suscitando indignazione e scandalo.
The Daily Mail, which reported the news, also highlighted another sermon given by another imam of the Green Lane Mosque. The imam argued that women should meet their husbands' sexual needs on demand, triggering concerns about encouraging domestic violence, including spousal rape
After the Green Lane mosque scandal, UK authorities blocked £2.2m of government funding. The government demonstrates zero tolerance for extremist positions and incitement to hatred and violence.
In the past, Green Lane Mosque had already attracted media attention as a focal point for the most radical Islamic extremism in England's second city. However, in recent years, it had sought to change course in order to bury that stormy past, but obviously that wasn't enough. The British government has frozen public funds that were used to finance a youth center linked to the mosque.
Despite the security checks carried out by the Social Investment Business, the recent scandals at the Green Lane mosque demonstrate the need for more stringent controls. Inciting extremism requires more attention.
It is important to remember that these isolated events should not be used to generalize or stereotype the entire Muslim community. Indeed, the majority of Muslims in Europe and the UK condemn extremism and support peace, coexistence and mutual respect.
Religious authorities and organizations must work together to prevent hatred and promote intercultural harmony and peace between communities.