Euro Islam Articles

June 28, 2024

The Case of the Mosque of Monfalcone: the Administrative Regional Court ruling

Il provvedimento della Sindaca Anna Cisint La strumentalizzazione politica dei musulmani in Italia è emersa chiaramente con il recente provvedimento della sindaca di Monfalcone (Gorizia), Anna […]
June 26, 2024

German Islam at a crossroads: the training of imams in Germany

L’Islamkolleg Deutschland rappresenta un’importante iniziativa per formare imam in Germania anziché dipendere da figure inviate dalla Turchia. Questo passo mira a integrare l’Islam nella società tedesca, […]
June 22, 2024

A Model High School Under Attack: The Case of Lycée Averroès

The Lycée Averroès, located in Lille, France, was founded in 2003 and is the country's first private Muslim high school. From the beginning, the institution has gained a reputation for academic excellence and social integration, becoming a model for other schools both within and outside the Muslim community. […]
June 14, 2024

Anjem Choudary under trial in London

Accuse of terrorism and leadership of the organization. Al-Muhajiroun A well-known radical preacher, Anjem Choudary (57 years old), is on trial in London. The accusation alleges that he led Al-Muhajiroun […]
June 9, 2024

The Festival of the month of Dhūl-Hijja

Muslims generally have two major occasions of happiness and joy, the two festivities of Eid. They always come after dedicated worship, after a huge sacrifice, after having done something major for the Almighty. […]
May 23, 2024

The traveler's prayer (at-taqseer)

The shortening of prayers during travel (ṣalāt at-taqseer -صلاة التقصير) represents a regulatory provision that highlights the flexibility and essence of Islam in worship matters. […]
May 17, 2024

Muslim Interaktiv

In Germany, a small Islamic organization called Muslim Interaktiv is attracting a lot of attention and generating debate. Founded with the goal of seeking visibility and discurse, Muslim Interaktiv has effectively utilized various communication methods to achieve its goals. […]
May 7, 2024

The Dichotomy of the Internal Enemy

How the Media Influence the Perception of Violence. The Dichotomy of Narration: Double Standards The contemporary media landscape, with its pervasive influence on public perception, often presents dissonant narratives of tragic events, highlighting mechanisms of stigmatization and the construction of a dangerous "internal enemy." […]
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