Euro Islam Articles

August 7, 2023

Niger: evaluation of intervention by the Russian group Wagner

What will happen after midnight on 6th August 2023? The new military government of Niger has requested the assistance of the Russian mercenary group, known as Wagner, to counter any attacks by outside organizations and nations, especially the intervention of ECOWAS. […]
August 6, 2023

Discrimination and hatred against Muslims in Antas (Almería)

A white supremacist gang that terrorized the small Spanish town of Antas now faces seven years in prison on charges of discrimination and hatred towards Muslims. […]
August 5, 2023

Coup d'état in Niger: risk of increase in jihadist extremism in the African region of the Sahel

The recent coup in Niger could have negative consequences on the stability of the Sahel region of Africa, as it could increase the recruitment capacity of al-Qaeda-affiliated jihadist extremists. In particular, the military and terrorist organization of Salafi jihadist ideology Jamaʿat Nuṣrat al-Islām wa-l muslimīn (JNIM) could take advantage of the coup and increase its influence in the region. […]
August 3, 2023

Reflection on climate change

Climate change is a topic that is becoming increasingly urgent and relevant in the scientific and political debate. However, discussions on this issue are often characterized by fierce and divisive tones and do not lead to constructive solutions. […]
July 28, 2023

Light on the tongue, heavy on the scale: The power of supplications to “Ar-Rahman”

In the turmoil of our daily life, it's easy to get swept up in noise and chaos, often forgetting the importance of taking a moment to connect with our spiritual side. […]
July 13, 2023

The Pillars, Obligatory Parts and Sunnah Acts of Prayer [الصلاة]

There are 14 pillars of prayer and there are 8 obligatory parts of prayer. There are many Sunnah acts of prayer as well, both words and actions. […]
July 12, 2023

"Jihadists in Italy with migratory flux". Alarm from The General of Carabinieri

New alarm for National Security: General Angelosanto, commander of the Ros, reports about possible terrorist infiltrations in the migrant routes […]
June 29, 2023

Pro-Islamic State (ISIS) propaganda on TIK TOK

Digital jihad and the communication of violent extremism. The Islamic State (ISIS) supporters are sharing content on the China-based TikTok platform to promote the group's ideology and activities, including videos of "Support [Pro ISIS], Ribat [Front Guard] and Jihad." […]
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