
September 7, 2024


Ṣilat al-raḥim, which means "the ties of the womb," emphasizes the importance of maintaining family relationships in Islam. This moral principle is considered one of the greatest good deeds, leading to significant rewards. […]
August 4, 2024

Debt in Islam: How to Manage Loans

In this materialistic world where the focus has become running after the whims and fulfilling whatsoever the heart desires, we tend to lose focus on our real goals and begin taking certain matters that are forbidden or discouraged in Islam, too lightly. […]
July 19, 2024

Zamzam Water – Food, Blessing & Cure of disease

The Arabic term Az-Zamzam [الزَّمْزَم] literally means the sound of something from afar that has an unclear noise/roar. Zamzama [زَمْزَمَ] refers to collecting and returning the parts of what has been spread from something […]
June 9, 2024

The Festival of the month of Dhūl-Hijja

Muslims generally have two major occasions of happiness and joy, the two festivities of Eid. They always come after dedicated worship, after a huge sacrifice, after having done something major for the Almighty. […]
January 14, 2024

The ritual of ‘Aqiqah

The ritual of ‘Aqiqah (العقيقة) is widely recommended in Islam and is considered Sunnah Mu’aqqadah (سنة مؤكدة) by most scholars. […]
January 8, 2024

Creed and Faith in Islam

Islam is a monotheistic religion that is based on a structure of beliefs closely intertwined with the daily practice of its followers. The concepts of 'aqida and iman represent, respectively, the intellectual basis and emotional expression of faith and its manifestation in everyday life. […]
January 3, 2024

The education system of the madrasa in South Asia

The article explores the debate on education in madaris in South Asia, highlighting historical biases and the challenges of reforms. It addresses controversies regarding the counting of institutions and students, as well as proposals to improve education by providing job opportunities and introducing online courses and remote exams. […]
December 19, 2023

The Tayammum in Islam

The use of Tayammum as an alternative to ablution with water in Islam, its conditions, and its spiritual significance according to the Quran and Sunnah […]
October 31, 2023

Prayer for the deceased in Islam

La preghiera per i defunti e la visita al cimitero sono atti di devozione fondamentali nell’Islam. Con la preghiera si chiede a Iddio di perdonare i […]
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