Euro Islam
Welcome to the Euro Islam is a Virtual Home for Muslims who want to share a cogent Educational Course to reject the Negative Narratives that represent the main target of strategies for the formation of Violent Extremist Groups.
As Muslims, we experience countless diversities and inequalities that tend to pose challenges to our community. However, we believe that these diversities can also represent an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of the human society by looking together towards the same goal.
Our Islamic values, are like a compass that help us to rediscover in difficult moments like the one we are experiencing, the direction of dialogue and spirituality to better understand ourselves through comparison with others.
We created this portal, to offer a safe space for sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences, and to develop resilient educational systems in order to face the current difficult times and contribute to the growth of peaceful societies linked by a greater social cohesion.
It is our objective to provide information and testimonies on the facts that shape the social life and activities of the Muslim Community, in order to promote a more integrated civil relationship in the European Multicultural Context. constitutes a space for Muslims who wish to give voice to Islam as a religion of peace, dialogue and values, distancing themselves from those who distort its most authentic message with Violent Extremism.
We hope that can be a place of meeting and exchange for all those who share our values and our vision of a better future for all.